Times Square

NYC Comic Book Store Shoplifter Plunges Through 2nd-Floor Window: NYPD

A shoplifter trying to make a super-villain's getaway after stealing from a Times Square comic book store plunged two stories onto the sidewalk below, police said.

The shoplifter at Midtown Comics on West 40th Street fell through a second-story window after first trying to bull-rush his way out at about 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, according to the NYPD.

Witnesses at the scene said that the shoplifter landed on the ground and tried to crawl, bruised and bloodied, to a van nearby. But he was taken into custody by officers before getting away. 

A food vendor across the street said he heard the glass break, and when he looked behind, he saw the man "flying."  

"It was like we were in a comic book movie," said one street vendor. "And a villain got kicked out of the window onto my table!" 

Another witness said he'd seen the man in Times Square with comic books and other items on the street before.

It's not clear what the man had tried to steal, but authorities said he went through the window in an attempt of getting away from security guards at the store. 

The 24-year-old suspect, who police haven't publicly named and say is homeless, is charged with criminal mischief, assault, criminal possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of marijuana. 

He's being treated for minor cuts and bruises.

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