Fed up Staten Island Residents Shame Speeders on Social Media

Midland Beach residents say they’re tired of drivers ignoring the speed limit. Marc Santia reports.

Residents of one Staten Island neighborhood are sick of speeders in their neighborhood and some have taken to shaming the lead-footed drivers on social media in the hope of getting them to slow down. 

Greeley Avenue in Midland Beach has become a hot spot for speeders, with some drivers going over twice the posted speed limit of 25 mph.

Resident Mary Anderson said speeding vehicles have wreaked havoc on her property more than once.

"The car that came through my fence, you want to know about that one. Or the car that came down here and wiped out my two cars," Anderson said.

Doreen Grill, who also lives in the neighborhood, said drivers are much more out of control these days on the residential street.

"When we were young we used to be able to play football on the street now you can't even walk on it," Grill said.

A digital speed sign installed by the city near the road showed driver after driver racing by. In ten minutes, 57 drivers drove past going well over 25 mph; one was going 32 mph, another 36 mph. Some of them were traveling at nearly double the posted limit.

Sick of the speeders, Aiman Youssef and some his neighbors are recording video of the drivers and uploading it to social media.

"We're trying to slow people down by doing this," Youssef said.

Some residents in the neighborhood would prefer speed bumps or stop signs, but say they'll continue to like and share videos of the drivers if it means getting them to step on the brake.

"Just slow down," resident Debra Pulice said. "I don't know why people are always in such a rush."

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