“Dream Dinners” Caters to Those With Barely Enough Time to Sleep

It's not fast food, it's good food, fast.

Dreaming of a cheap and easy dinner?

Here's a new take on "fast food" -- a way to save time-- and hundreds of dollars--on healthy meals for you and your family.

It's called Dream Dinners, and now New York-area families can get in on the savings. Two Long Island working moms bought the local franchise and opened up shop in East Northport, NY.

Co-owners Mindy Rogers and Betsy Hall say you have to register online at DreamDinners.com (registration is free). Then you comb through the menus and select your favorite meals. Pick a time to go to the Dream Dinners store on Jericho Turnpike and assemble the meals. The company says you can prepare a month's worth of dinners for 150 dollars.

At the store, we saw women (and one man) mixing the pre-cut ingredients into plastic bags ready to take home and freeze. Since all the chopping and slicing is done by store personnel, there's less mess at home. And Hall says the meals are healthy -- she even provides nutrition information for each dish.

Moms we spoke with told us they're saving money, and perhaps more importantly, time. They told us they can now have a variety of meals on the table in 20 minutes.

Rogers told us one woman comes in from New York City once a month on Saturday mornings.. eager to get her Dream Dinners.

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