11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., the New York City Chapter of CoreNet Global hosts a presentation by economic forecaster and best-selling author Harry S. Dent Jr. at the Time Life Building, 1271 Avenue of the Americas. Cost for members is $35, non-members is $65, service provider members is $75, and service provider non-members is $150. Register online and find more details here, or call 212-348-1584.
6:00 p.m., the AIA hosts a discussion with Seoul Deputy Mayor Young Gull Kwon, Newark Deputy Mayor Stefan Pryor, and New York City Chief Urban Designer Alexandros Washburn about the integration of environmental design and urbanism. Free for members and $10 for non-members. Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place. Find more details and RSVP here.