Hudson Miracle: Make Your Own Headline

You can enjoy the heartwarming headlines newspapers rolled out for their crash-related cover stories, or you can write one of your own

As Gawker points out, thanks to the miraculous, zero-casualty happy ending to yesterday's dramatic U.S. Airways crash in the Hudson, the papers were freed from the burden of getting all serious and heavy with a "straight," ultra-sensitive headline. So they got creative instead (we like Newsday's "Two Wings and a Prayer"), and over at Gawker everyone can play! Write your own (fake) headline for the story in the post comments.

A couple of notables we've spotted so far include "U.S. Airways Launches New Service Direct From Laguardia To Manhattan In Five Minutes" (a bit wordy, but we get the gist), "Bush Takes Controls for One Last Flight," and "Dozens Of Honey Roasted Peanuts Feared Lost."

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