We've been curious about the woodframe mansion at 532 Clinton Avenue since we moved into the neighborhood (we wrote about it back in 2006). A few weeks ago we noticed a sign that looked like it was from a realtor but it wasn't very clear and we couldn't track down a listing online. So we were excited to get a tip from a reader who had come across a listing for the property. In addition to the 18 (!) bedrooms, the 6,780-square-foot house has side parking and a front lawn. Of course, we were disappointed that there weren't any interior photos, which always makes us skeptical about what kind of shape the place is in. As for the asking price of $3,500,000, we'll believe it when we see it. After all, the better-located mansion at 275 Washington Avenue failed to find a buyer last year at its reduced price of $3,200,000.
532 Clinton Avenue [FRS Realty] GMAP P*Shark
Head-Scratching at 532 Clinton Avenue [Brownstoner]
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