185 Ocean Avenue Still Sucking Wind


The developer destroyer of 185 Ocean Avenue is growing more desperate, it seems. After paying top dollar for the unattached brick home in early 2007 and proceeding to tear it down and dig a big hole in the ground, he put the frozen project back on the market last November for $2,500,000. This week he cut the asking price to $2,300,000. Poor neighbors.
185 Ocean Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP
Karma Is a Bitch: 185 Ocean Developer Sucking Wind [Brownstoner]
PLG House Razed, 8-Story Building Planned [Brownstoner]
Ocean's 13: Landmarking Against a Ticking Time Bomb [Brownstoner]
PLG Shocker! 185 Ocean Closes 33% Above Ask [Brownstoner]

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