Band to Watch: Dirty Gold

What did you do with your last year of high school? If you were anything like me, once a college was decided on, you spent the rest of your days seeking out mischief while waiting for your day to set sail into the unknown.

This isn’t the case for the young gentlemen who comprise the San Diego trio Dirty Gold. The high school-aged band has spent the last few months writing and recording their debut EP titled Roar that is scheduled for release on Autumn Tone Records April 12.

The five-song EP is a dazzling piece of work from a band of guys who still have to worry about finals and summer jobs.

The band is made up of brothers Lincoln (vocals/lead guitar) and John Ballif (keyboard/rhythm guitar) along with Grant Nassif (drums) who have traveled across the country to play a set of three New York debut shows this week.

With college and other responsibilities looming in their future, who knows when we’ll get another chance to see the band, so I highly recommend that you attend one of these gigs:

04/04/11: Cake Shop :: w/ Yukon Blonde
04/05/11: Mercury Lounge :: w/ Alex Winston
04/06/11: Union Hall :: w/ Country Mice

Check out Dirty Gold’s video for “California Sunrise” and just try to deny it. The track has “summer jam” written all over it.

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