October 27, 2016 2:40 am

Police: Don't Sell Eggs, Toilet Paper to Minors Before Halloween

A Massachusetts community is asking stores not to sell certain items to kids under the age of 18 ahead of Halloween. Police in Abington sent a letter to businesses with a list of items which included spray paint, eggs, shaving cream toilet paper and soap. Abington’s Chief of Police David Majenski said the voluntary ban is all in an effort to crack down on Halloween pranks. “It’s a voluntary program and they don’t sell any items that may cause any type of disruption to kids under the age of 18,” said Majenski. Police say they’ve been cracking down on mischievous teens for years. “There were neighborhoods that had issues — cars were getting soaped or shaving creamed, or toilet paper or spray painted and business as well,” said Majenski. One woman says she’s okay with the ban: “I haven’t been egged, or shaving-creamed — of course, I give the big candy bars so they better not egg me.”


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