Would You Like Weed With Those Fries, Officer?

Fast-food worker redefines “burger joint,” offers pot to off-duty cop at drive-thru

An off-duty Tullytown, Pa., police officer stopped for a midnight snack at a New Falls Road Burger King Monday, only to discover marijuana was on the menu.

Officer Shawn McClister ordered his meal at the fast-food restaurant’s drive-through and drove around to the window to pick up his food. The 32-year-old Burger King employee at the window asked McClister if he had any alcohol he could give him.

“What?” the policeman responded. Taharka Johnson repeated the question, saying that he was willing to exchange weed for alcohol, reports the Intelligencer.

Redefining the term “burger joint,” Johnson went and got his stash while another worker handed McClister his food. Johnson returned with a black bag and a clear dime bag of “green vegetable matter.”

McClister rotated his knit hat to display the words “Tullytown Police” and said, “That’s not a smart idea, now is it?” reports the Intelligencer.

McClister drove away with his original order and returned soon after with an on-duty Falls police officer

Police arrested Johnson on charges of drug possession with intent to deliver, as well as drug paraphernalia charges, after they found the black bag with several dime bags inside it in a trash can.

Johnson should have known better. People get the munchies after smoking weed, buddy, not before.

Johnson was sent to Bucks County Prison on $50,000 bail.

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