3 More Americans Win Nobels

Trio made breakthroughs in fiber optics and invented technology critical to digital cameras

Three American scientists have won Nobel Prizes in physics for breakthroughs that helped connect the world through fiber optic networks and for creating the technology that makes digital photography possible, The Associated Press reported.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the prestigious honor, which includes a 10 million kronor ($1.4 million) prize, to Charles K. Kao for his work on light transmission in fiber optics. Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith also got the nod for inventing an imaging semiconductor circuit known as the CCD sensor that is used in digital cameras, according to the AP.

All are American citizens. Kao was born in Shanghai and also holds British citizenship, while Boyle has dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship.

On Monday, three Americans won Nobels in medicine.

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