Gov. Brown Denies Parole to Manson Follower Bruce Davis

Gov. Jerry Brown reversed a parole board and denied on Friday the release of a former Charles Manson follower who served more than 43 years in prison.

It was the third time a California governor denied the release of Bruce Davis, 71, a member of the murderous Manson Family who was convicted in the 1969 slayings of musician Gary Hinman and stuntman Donald "Shorty'' Shea. In March, the parole board once again found that he was suitable for parole based on his age, conduct in prison, he became a born-again Christian in prison, earned a doctoral degree in philosophy of religion, ministers to other inmates, and other factors.

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Davis was not involved in the notorious killings of actress Sharon Tate and six others, making him a more likely candidate for parole than many of the better-known Manson family members.

Manson and three of his followers, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles "Tex'' Watson, remain in prison for life in the Tate killings. Their co-defendant, Susan Atkins, died of cancer behind bars in 2009.

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