Gluten-Free Bread Developed

(HealthCentersOnline) - Researchers have developed a new type of bread that is completely gluten-free without sacrificing quality, texture or taste.

Gluten is a compound found in wheat, rye, oats and barley. For most people, it causes no problems. However, for people with gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, it can moderate to severe inflammation and damage to the intestines. People with this condition must eliminate gluten from their diets, often relying on gluten-free versions of familiar food products.

Researchers at the Food Technology Plant Special Research Centre (CeRPTA) in Spain set out to develop a type of bread suitable for people with celiac disease with a similar taste and texture to bread made with wheat flour. They also aimed for a unique taste that would make the new bread stand out from existing products. A secondary focus was to develop the 100 percent gluten-free product entirely from plant products, allowing it to be safe for people with milk or egg allergies.

The researchers have produced the first 100 percent gluten-free bread to meet these goals. It is reported to be highly nutritional, with a pleasant taste and texture. The research that went into developing the new bread may also be used to produce additional high-quality gluten-free products in the near future.

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