
Texas Girl Wakes Up to Raccoon in Her Bed

The raccoon sneaked past the two dogs and got all nice and cozy in her daughter's bed.

A 10-year-old girl from Richardson, Texas, had a surprise slumber party with a raccoon who crawled into her bunk bed Wednesday night.

The girl woke up with him sitting right next to her head. She told her mom that he was calm and gentle -- and even let the girl pet him!

In a picture sent to NBC 5 from a viewer, the raccoon poses for the camera while sitting atop pillows in the girl's bunk bed.

The family figured out that the raccoon crawled into the house through the doggy door. The dogs didn't even know that he was in the house.

The raccoon sneaked past the two dogs and got all nice and cozy in the girl's bed.

"This was a calm, gentle, gigantic raccoon that just up and decided to spend the night indoors," mom Sibyl said.

They released the raccoon in the front yard. He was never aggressive or scared, Sibyl said.

According to the Humane Society, it's highly unusual for a raccoon to be aggressive toward a person, but people should still avoid touching wild animals.

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