Get a Load of Captain America's New Look

There are few things the innerwebs love more than a good leak, and today's goodness comes features design drawings for Captain America's outfit for our hero's upcoming film.

Four renderings of Captain America's new threads found their way to Ain't It Cool News, just days after the guys at Jo Blo had described in detail a personal sneak peek they had gotten of the artwork.

All in all, the new outfit looks pretty cool, with an old-timey vibe that suits Cap's WW II origins. Our only concerns are the slightly odd NASCAR harness he's wearing and the somewhat plasticky sheen to the outfit.

And concerns about Chris Evans' acting chops aside, there's no denying hew is one handsome fella.

With "Captain America: The First Avenger" not due until July 22, 2011, there's a good chance this will evolve, and if it doesn't, it's still a fine looking uni.

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