Electric Neck Massager Linked to Strangulation Death: FDA

Relaxation is not worth dying for

A massaging device could do more than relax you -- it could kill you, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Federal regulators say the ShoulderFlex Massager has been linked to one death and one near-strangulation, after a necklace and article of clothing got caught in the device's rotating component. In other cases, the users' hair became caught in the ShoulderFlex, acording to the FDA.

The agency urges people who own the device to "dispose of the device components separately so that the massager cannot be reassembled and used."

The massager is no longer available for retail purchase. It previously sold for about $130.

Manufacturer King International has sold nearly 12,000 of the devices since 2003. It plans to recall the device, according to the FDA.

The 12-pound device has rotating "ringers" inside a memory foam pillow and was once touted as a do-it-yourself deep tissue massage.

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