E-Prayer Dials Up Heaven

Virtual praying site says it will put you in touch with the man upstairs

Too busy to pray? You can now use your Blackberry to get in touch with the big guy.

New Web site InformationAgePrayer.com will pray for you for a small fee, reading your emails out-loud through a vocal replicator that will purportedly take your requests straight to God's ears.

Users can select the religion and the types of prayers they want, and for about $4 a month, be in constant "contact" with a higher power.

Catholic visitors can choose to send the classic Paternoster prayer, while Muslim visitors can virtually worship with the Fajir, the first of the five daily prayers in Islam.

Information Age Prayer isn't intended to replace traditional forms of worship - but it does give users relief that their prayers will be heard, the site says.

"At Information Age Prayer, we think our service should be used like a prayer supplement, to extend and strengthen a subscriber's connection with God," the site's mission reads.

"It gives you the satisfaction of knowing that your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget," it says.

Ten percent of the service's total revenue goes to charity, according to the site.

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