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Dog Filmed Being Thrown on Ground by Fairfield Woman Reported Healthy, Uninjured After Vet Check-Up

A pug tossed on the ground so hard it rolled several times on the Northern California asphalt before being snatched up has been given a clean bill of health by a veterinarian.

Fairfield police took to Facebook Friday to announce that the dog, named Benny, is in the care of Humane Animal Services. 

A disturbing video emerged on social media Monday, showed a suspect, identified by police as Brandi Chin, carrying Ben and then angrily flinging him toward her ex-boyfriend. She is believed to have fled the county.

Chin's ex-boyfriend told NBC affiliate KCRA it was a "heat of the moment" kind of thing.

"Me and her were arguing about personal things," he told the station. "It got blown up into something else and I think it just got out of hand."

The ex-boyfriend said he had never seen her do anything like this before.

"She's not an animal abuser. She's never abused animals when I was with her," he said.

Neighbor David Shields posted the video on social media. In the days since, the footage has been seen by over 44,000 people, some of whom called police. Animal services officers responded to the calls and spent hours looking for Chin and her dog.

She was reportedly hiding out in Vallejo in the days after the video went viral, though police believe she has now fled the Solano County. Chin could face fines and jail time if convicted of animal abuse. 

Police, who investigated the matter, have forwarded the case to the Solano County District Attorney. As of Sunday, the pug had been returned to Chin's ex-boyfriend, police said.

KCRA's Dana Griffin contributed to this report.

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We have some good news to start the New Year off - Benny the Pug has been located and is safe. He was turned over to... Posted by Fairfield Police Department on Friday, January 1, 2016

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