Calif. Dog Survives 110-Mile Trip in Truck Engine

A Southern California dog that survived a 110-mile trip from Chino to San Clemente in a truck's engine compartment is doing just fine Tuesday, according to the animal shelter responsible for him.

The driver of the Chevy Silverado said that the dog must have hitched a ride in the compartment of the truck in Chino, where the driver works.

The driver, Jaime Magaña told the Orange County Register that when he turned off the ignition in San Clemente, he could still feel the truck moving. Then he noticed a tuft of fur protruding from the truck's front left tire area.

When he opened the hood of the car, a dog who he recognized from his Chino neighborhood was looking up at him. He pulled the dog out, gave it some water and called 911.

"Between the engine and the front there is a big gap and that is what saved him," Magaña told the OC Register. "I don't understand how it survived at this temperature with the engine running. It doesn't make any sense."

The dog, now named Chevy, is in the care of a San Clemente animal shelter. An employee at the shelter told NBC 7 that the dog is not injured, and officials are looking for its owner.

For more on this story, check it out on the OC Register's website.

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