Breastfeeding Moms Help Save Sick Babies in Connecticut

Que pueden esperar las personas que deciden hacer el plan new you y cuando pueden empiezar a ver resultados? Lo primero es que la gente debe de esta convencida que tienen que hacer algo para solucionar su problema de sobrepeso ya sea por salud o por estetica, el estar a dieta no significa no comer, es un estilo de vida…

It’s a lot like a blood bank, but with breast milk. All the hard work is done at home.

Now nursing mothers in Connecticut can donate to the state's first milk bank depot in Guilford to help feed sick babies in the NICU — and potentially save their lives.

"I didn’t even know you could do this," said Amy Farotti, the first mother to donate when the depot opened a few weeks ago.

The milk is donated to local hospitals like St. Francis and Connecticut Children’s.

"When we give babies this breast milk, it actually, for them, is the difference between life and death, because babies who cannot digest formula will die," said Jan Ferraro, director of education at Acceleron Medical Products, which houses the milk bank depot.

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