Here Are Some of the Best Tweets About the Runaway Blimp

The family of a California toddler who was rescued by his pet cat from a vicious dog attack said on NBC’s “Today” show Thursday that they were surprised by the feline’s heroic actions. “It was pretty amazing to see just a cat take on a dog and so selflessly just put herself out there and not worry about if she was going to get bit or injured herself,” said Roger Triantafilo, 4-year-old Jeremy’s dad. “I think that dog did not know what hit him.”

An unmanned Army surveillance blimp broke loose from its moorings in Maryland and floated over Pennsylvania for hours Wednesday with two U.S. fighter jets on its tail, triggering blackouts across the countryside as it dragged its mooring cable across power lines.

And it didn't take long for the Internet to respond.

From "Ghostbusters" to Lionel Richie and even Edward Snowden, Twitter was aflutter with tweets about the runaway military blimp Wednesday.

Here are a few of the best:

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