9 Simple Steps

You know those people who get their holiday shopping done before Thanksgiving even hits? The ones who find the great sales, the perfect wrapping paper, and never lose sleep over their holiday cards? That’s right, those people. The uber-prepared. The ones who make it look so easy. The ones you hate.

Let’s be honest. The only reason we hate them is because we want to be them. So how about we make this year the year that we are the ones despised for our holiday prowess?

Really, the key is to get up off our behinds and start now.

Step 1: Make a list of everyone you want to take care of and any gift ideas.
Step 2: Evaluate the list, make edits, and start looking for deals.
Step 3: Order online whenever possible. (I know… so high tech, but SUCH a time-saver!)
Step 4: Check out wrapping supplies.
Step 5: Stock up on wrapping as needed.
Step 6: As gifts come in, wrap them, label them, and cross them off your list.
Step 7: Devise a holiday card plan (yes / no, store bought / homemade / email, etc) and buy or create as appropriate.
Step 8: Make holiday card address list. Print labels. Stuff. Send.
Step 9: Have a glass of wine. You’re done! (Doesn't it feel great to be hated?)

9 simple steps. Probably the biggest hurdle to overcome is to start. So… pick up a pen… grab a piece of paper…

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