Wine Might Still Find its Way to Supermarket Shelves

This proposed law under Paterson's plan has us popping our corks

There's hope yet for city vino-philes who would like the opportunity to streamline their shopping and buy wine at the supermarket.

In Gov. David Paterson's newest round of budget cuts and revenue-producing measures, he has again proposed allowing grocery stores to sell wine and liquor stores to sell snacks.

Current law prohibits both and the rules are confusing.  Take for example bitters, a key component of many cocktails, but an item that is classified as a food and therefore cannot be sold at a liquor store.

The new budget proposal would make the change this year, allowing New York to join the 35 states that allow supermarket wine sales. The governor estimates it could bring New York $92 million next year from a store franchise fee.   Many states, including California and Texas, sell wine in grocery stores and the movement has many supporters in NYC.

Detractors, including some liquor store owners, believe their businesses would be harmed by expanding where and how consumers can buy their vino.

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