WATCH: Eric LeGrand Tweets Video Showing Progress Following Paralyzing Injury

Paralyzed former Rutgers football player Eric LeGrand is making strides in the road to recovery.

LeGrand, who suffered a paralyzing injury during a 2010 game, tweeted a video Tuesday showing him bending forward while sitting in his wheelchair. The tweet reads, “Working on getting these back muscles stronger… little by little. Still as motivated as ever. Love y’all #bElieve.”

The former defensive tackle was paralyzed from the neck down while making a tackle on a kickoff in a game against Army. LeGrand, an Avenel resident who played at Colonia High School, seemed to move his head immediately after the play but did not move after that as trainers from Rutgers (4-2) rushed the field to attend to him. He lay on the field for about five minutes after making the tackle with the game tied at 17 and 5:10 to play.

Players from both teams took a knee while LeGrand was being treated. reports LeGrand was initially given a 0-to-5 percent chance of regaining neurological function following the injury. 

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