The Freak Is Gone on Coney Island

The Shoot the Freak boardwalk amusement gets bulldozed

Owners of a famous Coney Island attraction say they were shocked to find it boarded up and shut down as a new developer gets ready to move in.

It now appears the popular amusement park attraction "Shoot the Freak" will not be returning to the boardwalk at Coney Island in Brooklyn next Summer.

The lot where the "Freak" would dodge paintballs has now been taken over by heavy equipment.

"Shoot the Freak" has been bulldozed, boarded up and apparently closed for good.

"They just came in overnight and destroyed everything. Everything that 'Shoot the Freak' was is now in a dumpster, said Anthony Berlingieri, co-owner of the attraction.

The "they" he is talking about is Zamperla USA, the new developer on the Coney Island boardwalk and the creator of Luna Park.

Zamperla also is new landlord for eleven businesses and in November sent notices to eight of them stating their leases weren't being renewed and that they had two weeks to pack up and get out.

The eight businesses hired an attorney who went to court to try to block the evictions. A court date was scheduled for early January.

"What's the point of going to court if they are going to do what they want to do anyway, said Berlingieri.

A spokesperson for the developer did not return two phone calls asking for a comment.

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