System Works: Couple Arrested for Child Abuse

It’s often reported that child abuse cases are neglected – that school or welfare officials may have ignored warning signs that lead to physical trauma or worse, death.

This isn’t one of those times.

Ana Martinez and Erick Sanchez were arraigned Saturday on charges they abused Martinez’s two young children. It’s not clear if Sanchez is the father.

Police arrested the couple at their home in Roosevelt, Long Island Friday afternoon. Last week, Martinez threw a TV remote at her 6-year-old daughter, hitting her in the eye, cops said. That same day, Sanchez beat both her and her 5-year-old sister with a belt, causing welts and bruises. The older child had to stay home from school for days because of injuries.

The child’s absence from the classroom did not go unnoticed, however. On March 12, four days after she was beaten, the school inquired about her absence and told Martinez her daughter needed a medical note to return to school. The child was taken to Nassau Medical Center; a doctor saw the bruises and called authorities.

Both Martinez and Sanchez were arrested and charged with second-degree assault and endangering the welfare of children. The victims are in the care of protective services.

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