NY, Mass. Senators Make Super Bowl Wager on Twitter

The two senators bet some of their state's finest provisions before the Super Bowl.

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry made a friendly, foodie bet Wednesday on Twitter ahead of the Giants-Patriots Super Bowl.

Kerry bet New England clam chowder from Legal Seafood, his favorite restaurant, if Tom Brady and the Pats beat the Giants.
And Gillibrand offered up some New York-style cheesecake if Eli pulls off a Giant victory.
Kerry's office said the loser will deliver the goods to the winner's office on Capitol Hill. 
Kerry also used Twitter to take a shot at the Giants' New Jersey home field.
He tweeted that he had to "ask parliamentarian" whether he would have to make the bet with Gillibrand and Schumer or New Jersey's senators, "since NJ is where Giants actually play."
"The Giants are NY thru & thru," Gillibrand tweeted.
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