Schumer Seeks Harsher Penalties for Unwanted Telemarketers

Schumer says there has been a spike in these calls because the existing fines are not high enough

Sen. Charles Schumer unveiled new legislation Sunday that would impose harsher punishments on telemarketers who violate the federal "do not call list."
Schumer says there has been a spike in these calls because the existing fines are not high enough to stop companies, many of whom are willing to pay the penalty in exchange for illegally contacting thousands of homes.

“We’re increasing the penalties dramatically,” Schumer said at press conference. “That will stop these and we can go back to the nice halcyon days when you could sit down at dinner and not have these calls interrupt you.”

Under Schumer's proposal the penalty for violating the law would be upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony, and telemarketers would be fined $20,000 every time they dial a number on the list.

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