Rudy Tops Newt Gingrich's 2010 NY Dream Team

Former mayor harboring gubernatorial dreams

Gov. David Paterson's dismal approval ratings have Rudy Giuliani licking his chops and dreaming about triumphant return to New York politics. Last night he unofficially kicked of his bid for governor at the New York Republican State Committee annual dinner.

"I wanted to be with a group of people on April 15 who disqualified themselves for service in the Obama administration by paying their taxes," told the crowd, reported The New York Daily News.

This from a guy whose top cop and close friend, Bernard Kerik, stands accused of 16 counts of conspiracy, tax fraud and making false statements.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was also there, acting as chief cheerleader.

"If we had Mayor Giuliani for governor and we had Gov. Pataki for senator, we would be a large step towards the tidal wave which will make 2010 comparable to 1994," Gingrich said, referring to the GOP's midterm romp during the first Clinton Administration. "That should be our goal."

Just three weeks ago, Rudy was telling The Daily News, "Governor is way, way off ... Well, for me it is."

If Giuliani is serious about a run governor, he'd do well to ditch the team that cooked up his disastrous presidential primary strategy last year.

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