Product Manager, Lawyer, Doctor Most-Liked Professions of 2016: Report

Exterminators and bakers get the least love on the dating app, data says

Women shy away from carbs, and men aren't interested in driving skills: bakers and bus drivers are the least-sexy professions of 2016, according to a new report from Clover. 

The dating app analyzed data from 1.5 million dating profiles across the country to determine which careers and jobs get the most likes from users.

The sexiest jobs for women were product manager, flight attendant and speech therapist. For men, they were doctor, psychiatrist and lawyer.

Leadership is sexy: women who listed themselves as product managers get 68 percent more likes than the average Clover user and 12 times more likes than exterminators. Bug killing proves to be a buzzkill, as exterminators are the least-liked on the app.

Waitresses are 44 percent sexier than male servers, while male lawyers are 55 percent sexier than their female counterparts.

If you're a guy whose an ace at latte art, you're twice as likely to be liked than a cashier. Saving lives seems to be pretty popular with the ladies, too — doctors get more than twice the likes of the average user and eight times more likes than Bakers, who are the least liked men on the app. 

The least attractive jobs for women were exterminator, bus driver, and chemist. Male bakers, cashiers and television producers got the least amount of likes.

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