Benjamin Carroll

Man Beating, Robbing Women for Cellphones in NYC Crime Spree: Police

Police say a man is linked to five different robberies against women, stealing their phone and punching them in some cases. Tracie Strahan reports.

Police say they have linked a man to at least five robberies against women in Brooklyn, some of which turned violent, according to the NYPD.

Officials say the string of robberies have been happening since July within a three-block radius in Sheepshead Bay and Gravesend.

The crime spree started at Parkway Court and Hubbard Street on July 11, with the most recent robbery reported July 22.

In two of the robberies, the man punched the women in the face several times, police said. In one incident, he tackled a victim to the ground to steal her bag and slapped her buttocks, officials said. In three of the five robberies, he pointed a gun at the victim.

Police say they have linked this man to at least five robberies of women in Brooklyn in July.

In each robbery, the man steals cellphones from his victims who he sneaks up behind, police say. He has also gotten away with debit cards, headphones and hundreds of dollars in cash.

One woman was hospitalized with fractures to her face, authorities said. 

Police Friday morning released surveillance video of the man seen wearing a light-colored hooded sweatshirt. Police also said he often covers his face with either a ski mask or a bandana.

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