
Port Authority Officers Save Man at Pub While Vacationing in Ireland

Two Port Authority police officers who were vacationing in southeast Ireland saved a man after he went into cardiac arrest at a pub they were at.

Officers Matthew Thomas and Matthew Gilhooley were off duty and sitting at PF McCarthy’s Pub in Kenmare when a 71-year-old man collapsed from his chair, Port Authority police spokesman Joe Pentangelo said.

Thomas and Gilhooley ran over to the man and realize he was in cardiac arrest. The two began CPR on him and used a defibrillator to administer two shocks, Pentangelo said.

About 15 minutes after the officers performed CPR, the man regained a pulse and was able to breathe on his own. The officers stayed with the man until local police and an ambulance arrived, according to Pentangelo.

The man was taken to Cork University Hospital for treatment.

Thomas and Gilhooley have been members of the Port Authority Police Department for four years and are trained in life-saving techniques like CPR and use of a defibrillator.

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