New Yorkers Find Happiness in Different Ways

Some go to the bar, while others believe it's a state of mind

If you want to be healthy, you need to be happy.

(Apologies if you just started humming Bobby McFerrin's 1988 song)

But with today's economy, that's far easier said than done.

We've heard for years how important diet and exercise are, but just trying to keep the right state of mind is critical to surviving stressful times as well.

Doctors say that when you're happy, your body releases endorphins, which are also released during exercise.

But how can you be happy when local newspapers are topped with stories about Bernie Madoff, AIG and increased MTA fares?

"What stress tends to do is cause the release of adrenaline that will raise your blood pressure," said New York City's foremost cardiologist, Dr. David Blumenthal. "Stress will cause coronary arteries to restrict."

Some New Yorkers described Friday where they like to go to keep stress levels low.

"Somewhere with alcohol," said one.

"Sometimes down at the South Street Seaport. Anywhere where it's tranquil," added another.

One couldn't keep the conversation simple. She had to get all Zen when WNBC approached her in Central Park.

"I do think a happy place is a state of mind," she said. "You can carry it with you."

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