Protesters Stage March From Staten Island to Washington

Demonstrators are marching from New York City's southernmost borough to Capitol Hill in protest of police brutality. 

The March 2 Justice began Monday morning on Staten Island, the borough where Eric Garner died during a confrontation with NYPD officers last summer. Garner's death, along with others across the nation including that of Ferguson teen Michael Brown, set off protests that culminated with several nights of massive marches when a grand jury chose not to charge the officer seen putting Garner in a chokehold in a widely viewed amateur video with any crimes.

About 100 protesters from the Justice League NYC began their journey by marching across the Outerbridge Crossing into New Jersey. Only about 50 were allowed to cross for security reasons, but protesters said more marchers would join on the New Jersey side of the bridge. 

During the several-day march, demonstrators will stage protests and rallies in Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wilmington, Delaware. They're expected to make it to Washington April 21.

Organizers said that the march's timing is to mark the death of Walter Scott, the black South Carolina man shot and killed by a white police officer after running from a traffic stop earlier this month. 

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