New Jersey School District Threatens to Stop Sending Special Needs Therapist After Mother Installs Nanny Cam

A New Jersey school district is threatening to stop sending special needs tutors to one woman’s home, because she installed nanny cams to keep watch over the tutors and her children. Lori Bordonaro reports.

A New Jersey school district has threatened to stop sending tutors to the home of two children with special needs after their mother installed a nanny cam.

Eleven-year-old Bishop, who is autistic, and 6-year-old Kaylin, who has a chromosomal disorder, are tutored after school by therapists provided by the Hawthorne School District.   

Their mother, Heidi Ruiz, said she installed the camera in her home last week not to spy on the tutors but to make sure her children, who have behavioral issues, weren't acting up. 

"I wanted to make sure at all times the kids were safe, Kaylin's not putting anything in her mouth, Bishop's not flopping around," she said. 

Ruiz said she was up front with the therapist about the camera. 

The next day, she received an email from the supervisor for special education saying, "If you continue to videotape sessions, home programming services will be discontinued." 

Ruiz now fears her children will fall back as a result. 

"They have special needs and they need these services to progress," she said.

Ruiz hopes the district will reconsider for the sake of her children. She's set to meet with the superintendent Wednesday morning. 

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