Stamford Mourns Navy SEAL Killed in Afghanistan Crash

One of the 30 American troops killed in the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan over the weekend was Brian Bill, a Navy SEAL from Stamford, and his family is mourning the lost “life of unfulfilled dreams.”

One of the 30 American troops killed in the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan over the weekend was a Navy SEAL from Stamford, and his family is mourning the lost "life of unfulfilled dreams."

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia said Brian Bill was a resident of Stamford and his parents still live in the city.  

He graduated from Trinity Catholic High School in 1997.

"We are heartbroken in our loss," the family said in a statement Monday. "Brian was remarkably gifted, thoughtful, and compassionate young man. We are incredibly proud of him."

Bill's father, Scott Bill; and his mother and step-father, Pat and Michael Parry, said their son loved life and was passionate about being a SEAL.

"He loved and respected his SEAL teammates. He was a consummate professional and demanded perfection of himself," they said. "We mourn his life of unfulfilled dreams." 

Brian was an accomplished mountaineer, skier, pilot and triathlete and wanted to return to graduate school and become an astronaut, they said.

"We thank all the SEALs who gave their lives this week and share our sorrow with the families of those dedicated men who fought for our safety and freedom. We will remember them all with love and gratitude," the family said.

The fatal crash, officials said, represents the highest number of U.S. forces killed during a single event in support of what the U.S. Department of Defense calls Operation Enduring Freedom.

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