Long Island Man Asked Teen Girls to Be in Porn: Police

A man was arrested Sunday for approaching two teen girls on Long Island and asking them to make porn, police said. Greg Cergol reports

A man was arrested Sunday for approaching two teen girls on Long Island and asking them to make porn, police said.

Andrew A. Quattrone, 32, of Lindenhurst, allegedly approached the 14-year-old girls in Massapequa Park on Sunday around 3:05 p.m. and asked if they would like to be in a porn video with him, according to police.

He then allegedly showed the girls a box of condoms and pornographic photos on his phone, police said. The girls eventually made it to a nearby store and called police.

The clerk at the store, who did not want to be identified, told NBC 4 New York Tuesday that the girls were "flustered." 

Quattrone was arrested Monday and faces a number of charges, including attempted use of a child in a sexual performance, endangering the welfare of a child and criminal solicitation.

Police say Quattrone was arrested for a similar incident in 2009, but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of criminal solicitation -- a charge that did not label him a sex offender. 

"If he was on the registry, he would have been subject to more scrutiny from law enforcement but in this case, he was not," said Nassau County Police Inspector Kenneth Lack. 

Friends of Quattrone defended him Tuesday. Seth Frankel said, "There were no signs of him doing anything wrong, nothing like that." 

Andrew Peters said, "He needs help. He definitely needs medical attention." 

Quattrone was set to be arraigned on Tuesday at First District Court in Hempstead.

-- Greg Cergol contributed to this report 

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