Long Island Store Clerks Wrestle Gun from Robber: Police

Some shop workers in Uniondale, Long Island took down a would-be robber, and it was all caught on camera. Greg Cergol reports.

A man on a Long Island robbery spree was finally foiled when he encountered two store clerks at a deli who wrestled the gun away from him, police say.

The confrontation began Sunday night when the gunman walked behind the counter of the Selina Convenience Smoke Shop on Nassau Road in Uniondale and pistol-whipped one of the clerks, according to police.

That clerk, identified only as "GT," responded by grabbing the gunman, and with the help of a colleague, wrestled the gun from the robber and held him until police arrived. 

"The individuals obviously felt they needed to fight back to protect their own personal safety," said Nassau Police Det. Sgt. John Giambrone.

Police only learned later the semi-automatic gun wasn't loaded. 

Smoke Shop owner Hammam Sharhan said he was shocked when he learned what his employees did.

"Usually when someone comes in with a gun, the money is given and nobody's hurt," he said. 

The alleged gun-wielding robber is identified as Timothy Lang of Roosevelt, a parolee who police said robbed a deli and two gas stations in the span of 24 minutes on Sunday night with accomplice Kaphia LaRode. 

Their one-night crime spree ended in the Smoke Shop. Neither clerk was available for comment Tuesday, but police warned against a similar response from others staring down the barrel of a gun. 

"If you're the victim of a crime, comply with the subject's demands," said Giambrone. "Your safety is paramount." 

It wasn't immediately clear if Sharhan or LaRode had an attorney. 

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