Jack the Cat, Found at JFK, Transferred to State-of-the-Art Manhattan Hospital

He was found after going missing for two months.

A cat found last week at John F. Kennedy Airport after it had been missing for two months has been transferred from a Queens veterinary hospital to a state-of-the-art facility in Manhattan. 

The feline, known as Jack the Cat, was found in a customs room after he fell through a ceiling tile, hungry, weak and dehydrated.

Jack underwent surgery last Thursday, and veterinarians successfully reconstructed tears on his leg.

Veterinarians made the decision to transfer Jack from his current hospital based on the expansive intensive care unit where the cat can be monitored by specialists.

"Jack's still critical, but he's stable so transferring him is the right decision as this point," said board-certified criticalist Benjamin Davidson, who will be in charge of Jack's recovery.

The cat was transferred to the improved facility in a in a climate-controlled pet ambulance, and was accompanied by a licensed veterinary technician, support staff, and all the cards and gifts sent since last week.

"Jack has become quite the celebrity," said Joanne Lynch, the spokeswoman for BluePearl Veterinary Partners, which runs both the Queens and Manhattan facilities."It's heartwarming how many people are rooting for him to get better."

Jack disappeared in the American Airlines baggage center on Aug. 25, just before Hurricane Irene arrived in New York and forced airports to shut down for most of the weekend.

His owner, Karen Pascoe was flying with Jack and her other cat, Barry, to San Francisco that week to start a new job in California.

She continued to California, but returned days later to keep looking for Jack. She also hired a pet detective at the time to help, but he was not found.

American Airlines said its airport employees had been "focused on the search effort since Jack escaped" and promised to fly the cat out to California to be reunited with Pascoe.

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