Gillibrand Backpedaling on Immigration

Junior senator emerges from meeting with Latino leaders a new woman

As a member of Congress, Kirsten Gillibrand voted in favor of penalties for "sanctuary cities" like New York that don't enforce immigration laws. But her ascension to the U.S. Senate has miraculously inspired a change of heart.

"In a lot of these issues, it’s a case of learning more and expanding my view," Ms. Gillibrand told the New York Times following a meeting with Latino political leaders.

Gillibrand's stance on immigration issues appears to have evolved considerably during her confab at the Brooklyn offices of El Diario, a leading Spanish language daily newspaper, which last week ran a headline declaring the upstate Democrat is anti-immigration.

Now the junior senator has not only backed of her sanctuary city stance, she's vowed to advocate pro-immigration legislation. She plans to come out in favor of legislation that would roll back federal laws that discourage states from offering the kids of illegal immigrants in-state tuition.

"We need to recognize the heritage that the immigrant community has provided to this country and put policies in place that will reflect that core value," Gillibrand told The Associated Press after the meeting.

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