Court Rules for Paterson in Lt. Gov. Fight

Ravitch can stay

David Paterson may not keep his job, but he can keep his lieutenant governor.

In a somewhat surprise decision,t the state's highest court today upheld the governor's authority to appoint his second-in-command.

The Court of Appeals said that  New York State law "affords the governor the authority to fill a vacancy in the office of lieutenant-governor by appointment," according to the Times.

In August, a Brooklyn appellate court had ruled that the appointment of Richard Ravitch was unconstitutional.  The governor had tapped Ravitch for the post on July 8th to break up a Senate leadership logjam during the Republican coup that stalled the legislature.

Paterson, who himself was lieutenant governor before taking over for the disgraced Eliot Spitzer in 2008, will probably need the morale boost the court victory gives, as nearly everybody, including President Obama, has been hinting that he not run for re-election.

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