Community Gardens Get “Miracle Grow” From Albany

The state of New York is pumping some much needed "Miracle Grow" into community gardens.
The State Agriculture Commission has announced a $48,250 project to help strengthen community gardens.
Five upstate gardens will get $23,300 and six downstate gardens are receiving $24,950.
Officials hope the gardens will promote healthy eating, reduce healthcare costs and increase awareness for the importance of buying locally grown foods.
Downstate Community Gardens receiving grants include:
A Better Community Garden...$2,100
 -Create a workshop series called "Save the Harvest" to increase members knowledge of food preservation.
Concrete Safaris...$5,000
 -Develop outreach materials and instructional program to teach East Harlem children how to grow vegetables and operate a farm stand.
Linden-Bushwick Block Association...$5,000
 -Produce four community outreach events involving healthy food demonstration, gardener workshop and family activity.
New York City Community Gardens Coalition...$5,000
 -Design a website, brochures and leaflets to help inform residents about their mission to preserve and protect community gardens.
Phoenix Community Garden...$2,850
 -Create a series of workshops for gardeners and area youth that include topics like healthy cooking, cooking with herbs, canning and compositing.
United Community Centers/East New York Farms!Project(Brooklyn)...$5,000
 -Hire a consultant to train gardeners to work with children in their gardens.
Upstate Gardens receiving grants are in Buffalo, Rochester, Utica and Syracuse.

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