Celeb Hotspot 1Oak Faces Lawsuit from Former Waitress

Former cocktail waitress is suing the club over alleged tip holdout

People say, for the best service, always tip your waitstaff.

Someone should tell that to downtown nightspot 1Oak, which now faces a lawsuit from a former cocktail waitress because of tips withheld from herself and other workers.

Tarale Wulff, 33, who also moonlights as a model, is set to file a class-action lawsuit in Manhattan federal court against the meatpacking club, claiming that the 20 percent premiums tacked onto 10ak's bottle service -- which can cost upwards of $450 -- aren't gratuities for the service workers, and that patrons are misled into thinking they are.

Instead, the suit, which was obtained by the NY Post states that "a percentage [is] distrubuted to nonservice employees, such as doormen."

Wulff is seeking unspecified damanges for her and at least 50 current and former workers at the club, the Post reports.

The Post also reports that Wulff was fired last month because of a dispute over customer's expired credit card.

The club did not immediately return calls for comment.

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