Hundreds Scribe “Bucket List” Items on Brooklyn Art Wall

Both locals and tourists alike have described the scene as motivating.

New Yorkers with long-term aspirations or short-term goals can now scribe their personal bucket lists on a massive shared stage.

New Orleans-based artist Cindy Chang turned a half-block stretch of wall in downtown Brooklyn into a slate upon which passersby can scrawl their “to-do lists” in white chalk, reports The New York Post.

A sign at the art installation rhetorically asks New Yorkers about their ambitions, desires and dreams for their loved ones.

“Here you can share your individuality with the city,” it reads.

Hundreds have already shared their hopes or philosophies, writing notes ranging from “Become a WNBA player to “Live like I’m dying” and “I want my mom 2 4give me,” according to the Post.

Both locals and tourists alike have described the scene as motivating.

If you’re interested in adding your two cents to the wall, located at the Fulton Mall, you’d better hurry up. It’s scheduled to come down tomorrow after standing in the area for eight weeks.

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