Boy's Death Inspires Proposed Law for Kid Safe Spots

The death of an 8-year-old Brooklyn boy who was abducted when he got lost walking by himself has inspired a proposal to create so-called "safe haven" stickers for businesses to post, letting kids know where they can ask for help.

The bill is being announced Wednesday by City Councilman David Greenfield.

The proposed legislation comes a little more than a week after Leiby Kletzky disappeared when he was supposed to walk seven blocks to meet his parents after day camp.

His body was later found dismembered; suspect Levi Aron has told police he took the boy off the street.

Greenfield is proposing to create a program where businesses would be issued bright green stickers to let children know where they can safely ask for help if they are lost.

The employees at those businesses would have to undergo background checks.

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