Bloomberg and Kelly Head to the Scene of Times Square Bomb Scare

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly are on their way back from the White House Correspondents Dinner and will be briefed at the scene of that bomb scare in Times Square.

Police have closed several streets to investigate a car that has been "deemed suspicious.''

Police said Saturday the bomb squad was investigating the contents of the car on 45th Street.

They say the block was closed between Seventh and Eighth Avenues as a precaution.

A webcam at 46th Street and Broadway showed the streets had been cleared of pedestrians. A line of police cars blocked one street.

Police say a call of a car fire came in about 6:30 p.m.

In December, a van without license plates parked in Times Square led police to block off part of the area for about two hours. A
police robot examined the vehicle.

Clothes, racks and scarves were found inside.

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