Bedbugs Try to Take Over the World, Spotted at UN

Now that bedbugs have been spotted at the United Nations building, we can officially say they're trying to take over the world.

This month, the UN found evidence of bedbugs in furniture on the 19th and 20th floors of the Secretariat Building in the 1B area of the Library Building, according to a note sent to United Nations correspondents from the press office this week . The furniture was moved to an unoccupied part of the building for fumigation.

"We continue to follow the expert advice of our exterminator specialist making further tests with the bedbug sniffing dog to more fully assess and manage the problem," the note said.

Bedbugs have invaded the city – infesting everything from movie theaters to department stores, apartments, tourist attractions, hotels, offices and even Carnegie Hall – over the last few months, and the United Nations hasn't escaped their resurgence. But the building's dealt with the bloodsucking critters before.

The note explains a bed-bug sniffing dog first confirmed infestation on most floors of the building back in September 2009. The whole building was fumigated twice that month in a two-week span. Six months later, the dog returned and found evidence of bedbugs again. Since the dog can't distinguish between live and dead bedbugs, the building was fumigated as a precaution.

Some staff members reported bedbug sightings and bites even after the fumigation, but experts determined the insects involved were other creepy crawlers, thus there was no confirmed bedbug activity since last year's fumigations, the note explains. Until now.

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