Bedbugs Spotted at the Ritz

Hotel's general manager says the problem has been taken care of.

These blood-suckers like the high life.

Bedbugs have been spotted at the luxury Ritz-Carlton New York, reports The New York Times.

A guest reported the pesky discovery to the front desk Sunday, and hotel management subsequently called an exterminator to rid the room of the creepy crawlers.

Guests in rooms next to the infested area, as well as those above and below it, were transferred to other accommodations and hotel workers received bedbug training, reports the Times.

Scott Geraghty, the hotel’s general manager, told the paper the problem had been remedied.

“Bedbugs are inevitable,” Geraghty said. “They’re brought in by guests and come in on luggage or things of that matter.”

The Ritz is just the latest swanky hotel to report finding the blood-suckers in one of its rooms. Guests have previously complained about bedbugs at the Waldorf=Astoria.

Over the last year, the pests have also been reported at the Empire State Building, Abercrombie & Fitch and AMC Empire 25 Theatres in Times Square. 

Back in November, the city's housing department hired bedbug-sniffing dogs to check for bugs in apartment buildings.

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