Anthony Weiner: “My Political Career is Probably Over”

In an interview with Politico, Anthony Weiner said he is done with politics both in the nation’s capital and in New York City and that he “would have lost (his) marbles” if he had stayed in Congress after his son was born.

The former congressman and mayoral candidate told the political blog he has been keeping busy with business, media appearances and his son, Jordan. He said he has no plans to make another political comeback after the sexting scandals that forced him to resign from Congress in 2011 and derailed his campaign to be the Democratic candidate for New York City mayor in 2013. 

“I mean, realistically, my political career is probably over,” Weiner told Politico. “The only job I ever wanted more than Congress was mayor, and I don’t think that either of those two jobs are going to be available. So, no, it’s not like, ‘OK, how do I get back in?’ I’m not thinking that anymore. I think I kind of took my stab at that.”

Weiner has spent his time away from public service working as a political consultant and pundit. He's also setting up a hybrid restaurant/social service agency for at-risk youth in the Rockaways. He told Politico the time away from the limelight has also allowed him to spend more time with his son.

Weiner said he has already taken the 3-year-old to his first Mets game and has watched “The Lorax” with his son “about 291 times.” He said he thinks that if he hadn’t resigned in 2011, he would have eventually left Congress to be more involved in his son’s upbringing.

“I would have quit Congress to be home with Jordan, plain and simple. I would not be sitting around in Washington waiting for the Senate to come back into session to pass some (continuing resolution),” Weiner said. “I could not imagine it any other way. I would’ve lost my marbles.”

Weiner added that he’s a little nervous about the conversations he might have to have with his son in the future about "the birds and the bees" and his sexting scandals, but said he’s more focused on other fatherly concerns. He wouldn't say if he is messaging women again.

Weiner also refused to comment on whether his wife, Huma Abedin, would be involved in a potential presidential campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Abedin was the former First Lady's traveling chief of staff during her 2008 presidential run and served as a top aide while Clinton was Secretary of State.

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