12-Year-Old Likely Attacked by Bobcat in Connecticut: Cops

Fairfield Police

A 12-year-old has minor injuries after getting attacked by what officials believe was likely a bobcat on Monday morning.

Officers received a report of a possible bobcat attack on Brett Road around 7:30 a.m.

According to police, the complainant said his 12-year-old son was in the backyard of their home and encountered what he believed was a bobcat.

The boy suffered a minor scratch to his finger and his shirt was torn during the encounter, officers said. The bobcat then ran off into the woods.

Fairfield Police Animal Control requested ENCON Police follow up on the investigation. ENCON Police said the attack was likely a bobcat, however, this incident did now show typical behavior of a bobcat.

During the investigation, police said animal control officers were able to get video recorded by a neighbor from a week before the incident. The video showed a bobcat that frequents the area.

Authorities remind residents that bobcats are typically very elusive and rarely allow people to get close.

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